Adult literacy rates in Pakistan are among the lowest in the world. A total of 53,483,715 adults aged 15 years and older lack literacy skills or possess only low levels, out of which 34,396,588 (64.3 per cent) are women. Adults with low or no literacy skills represent 28.9 per cent of the country’s total population. Among the youth population (aged 15 to 24 years), nearly 10 million have low or no literacy skills, out of which 6 million (61.2 per cent) are young women (UIS, 2015).
Large disparities remain regarding access to education for girls, young women and adult women: in 2014, there was a significant gender gap in formal school enrolment rates, with the male net enrolment rate surpassing that of females by nearly 12 percentage points in primary education and by nearly 10 points in secondary education (UIS, 2014).
Moreover, in 2014 there were over 5.6 million out-of-school children (of which 58.8 percent were girls) and over 5.5 million out-of-school adolescents (of which 53 per cent were teenage girls). Many of them were or are likely to join the group of youth and adults with low or no literacy skills later in life (UIS, 2014).
Given the above Humaira Riaz Schools started its Jugnoo Adult literacy program in 2019 with the plan to educate the stay at home mothers of the enrolled children. The school is using the literate pakistan adult literacy curriculum The literacy classes are based on a phonetic teaching and learning method that allows participants to learn letters and words by associating them with their respective sounds and pronunciations. This way, learners become aware of vowels and consonants gradually. This is a fantastic program and we have successfully graduated one batch of 15 mothers.